Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I heart cardiology

Today the cardiologists finally pulled the trigger and began transitioning Molly from the iv meds she's on to an oral form of it. If all goes to plan, this should take about 5ish days (so Monday). Also on Thursday, she is done with the 6 week course of antibiotics. And her wound is healed enough.

SO the only thing we still need to work on is feeding. The docs need to believe she will eat and grow when we take her home. She hasn't been doing so well in that category. But I'm hoping it will change once they let me switch her from the hospital's "eat every three hours" philosophy to a more eat on demand sort of thing.

If all falls into place like we hope, we could be going home end of next week. Of course we'll be visiting the hospital often even after we go home because her heart conditioned needs to be monitored. But home will be great.

Brian's mom, Hannah, Lauren and Lauren's friend Taneisha visited the last few days. It was lovely to have them here to make the days more interesting.

Molly has started to wake up and have more opinions lately. Which means she's also been more cranky lately. I would be too if I had to be stuck in a hospital since birth where they poke, prod and stick me all the time. Our poor baby. We can't wait until she doesn't even remember all the lights, alarms, beeps, tubes, etc that she has to endure...


  1. Strange (to me who hasn't been through anything like this) that they wouldn't let her eat more often, whenever she wants. "Give me the boooooooooob!" she might be thinking!

    Otherwise it's all so exciting! Yay for being this much closer to home.

  2. Love the good news!

    And Molly having opinions seems very right, somehow.

    Can't wait to see you all again!

  3. That's very exciting! Crossing my fingers you can get Molly home very soon!

  4. I'm looking forward to meeting the doodlebug!
