Monday, June 27, 2011

Wean, baby, wean.

It turns out, I am a medical conspiracy theorist. When Molly responds poorly to something I come up with about 8 different explanations for what could be going on. Then I systematically go about disproving each theory. It helps me deal with things, but I think it drives the nurses and docs a wee bit nutty.

Today my theory is that Molly hates her feeding tube. She randomly gags. When we feed, she's hungry but as soon as she goes for the bottle and starts to swallow she freaks out. Hates it. But she's still hungry. I think she's a bit of a prima donna about this, but it's annoying because we need the tube still as she recovers. So she's a horrible eater. I'm not sure how to resolve this. I guess we'll wait until she's more stable and then pull the tube and see if it makes a difference.

There are just so many other small things that we have to worry about on a daily basis that it's tiring to write about. Potassium, heparin, sodium, calcium, levels, levels, levels of everything! And her pacer is pulling shenanigans that I still don't understand (but according to cardiology is fine).

They have begun the milrinone wean so hopefully this is the beginning of the end for it and her central line (the iv access). The longer she has in her central line the higher the risk of infection. So everyone wants it out as soon as possible.


  1. As always, thanks for keeping us updated despite the exhaustion and frustrations. Here's hoping all the levels do what they are supposed to do and that all shenanigans cease and desist.

  2. You're always in our thoughts and prayers. But just think how she will never remember all of this in the future, but still have your love. Thanks for taking the time to write!

